Friday, June 29, 2012


""Keep your eyes open!
You're seeing this for the last time!""*

*selected lines from 'The Open Window' by Tomas TRANSTROMER, 1970 [translated from the Swedish by Robert Bly]

[this house has since been demolished]

Monday, June 25, 2012


Norman is a friendly guy and his produce is as cheap as they come on the Drive, but you have to wonder about the concatenated neurosis that goes on behind this graphically barricaded window on the side wall of his building... 
the chains of light squeezing through the bars of nondescript darkness dangle in casual defiance of a blinded quarry...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

door no more

 "Ara baixare les escales que donen a l'exterior i no penso defraudar."*
[Now I'll descend the stairs that lead outside and not worry about letting anybody down.]

*the last line from "Stairway, 1949" by Ernest FARRES, translated from the Catalan by Lawrence Venuti, 2009 [from Edward Hopper: Cinquanta poemes sobre la seva obra pictorica (Fifty poems on his pictorial work; Barcelona: Viena, 2006)]